Importance of compliance for Primaprox & Primabentis

Phytotherapeutic supplements can be very powerful and can have an immediate effect. However, with chronic conditions it can take several weeks before you notice a positive change. In these cases, it is important to take the starting dose for 4 to 6 weeks before continuing with the maintenance dose.

What exactly does this mean for PRIMAPROX or PRIMABENTIS?

The first symptoms of prostate problems occur on average from the age of 50. They are the result of a chronic process: constant slow growth of the prostate due to a slow change in the hormonal balance from 45-50 years of age. Therefore, after the initial dose, it is important to take the maintenance dose daily and in a disciplined way in order to maintain or improve the quality of life.

The advantage of PRIMAPROX and PRIMABENTIS is that they do not have any bothersome side effects, especially when you respect a proper timely intake.


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