Name simplification for Primaprox & Primabentis

Already since 2016, Primaprox and Primabentis have been a fixture on the market for supporting prostate health, in a very efficient and scientifically proven way. Because we like simplicity and clarity, we have decided to change the product names to PROX and BENTIS, respectively. The products remain identical in terms of formula. Only the name (and CNK code) changes.


The updated packaging looks as follows:

Name change Prox & Bentis


All other elements, e.g., formula and posology, remain the same, viz:

  • Starting dose (4 to 6 weeks): 2 x 2 capsules per day (morning and evening)

  • Maintenance dose: 2 x 1 capsule per day (morning and evening)

  • Preventive (> 50 years): 1 capsule per day

If you take our products for an extended period of time, you can benefit from a significantly lower price by ordering (PRIMA)BENTIS or (PRIMA)PROX directly via our online shop.


Old product names & codes:

PRIMABENTIS 60 CAPS - EAN 5420050400592- CNK 3432259
PRIMABENTIS 180 CAPS - EAN 5420050400677 - CNK 3767407
PRIMAPROX 60 CAPS - EAN 5420050400578 - CNK 3435989
PRIMAPROX 180 CAPS - EAN 5420050400660 - CNK 3767704

New product names & codes:

BENTIS 60 CAPS - EAN 5420050400592 - CNK 4873782
BENTIS 180 CAPS - EAN 5420050400677 - CNK 4873832
PROX 60 CAPS - EAN 5420050400578 - CNK 4873840
PROX 180 CAPS - EAN 5420050400660 - CNK 4873774


If you have any questions, we are at your disposal at or +32(0)50/230.230.


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