Gertrud Gertrud

How sweet cranberry soothes UTI's

They’re not only super yummy to add to your breakfast or as a mid-afternoon sweet snack. Cranberries have quite strong activity to help you treat and prevent UTIs.
Are you curious how?

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Gertrud Gertrud

Oregano for kidney issues and UTIs?

It’s not just a fav in Italian cuisine. Oregano, its extracts and its essential oil turn out to have so many health benefits. Were you aware? Read on to learn what this Mediterranean herb can do for you.

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Gertrud Gertrud

Flex that flax (seed)

Flaxseed is one of the world’s oldest crops. Not only does it have a tasty nutty flavour with a crisp ‘n crunch consistency, it’s also rich in protein, fiber, and omega 3 fatty acids. Research shows it may help lower the risk of some cancers, help maintain a healthy weight, and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. It is also shown to help with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Let’s have a closer look and find out how you can easily add some of that goodness to your diet.

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Gertrud Gertrud

Get rid of UTIs once and for all

Half of all women have a UTI at least once in their life and more than 80% of these women experience it more than once. Let’s have a closer look at what’s happening in our female bodies and how we can prevent it!

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Gertrud Gertrud

The common nettle stings more than one way

One of the main plant ingredients with scientifically proven effect on the prostate and its function is the Common Nettle. Does that sting as a surprise? Let’s dive into how that seemingly mundane plant can work in our bodies and aid to a healthy prostate!

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Gertrud Gertrud

Why are herbal medicines ‘so expensive’?

You are aware that synthetic medicines are very potent and have their purpose in getting your health back on track in certain situations - thank science for that!
Yet you also know that they are overused and have (sometimes serious) side effects that can be avoided when maintaining and improving your health with certain natural products. But why are plant-based supplements or medicines often rather pricey?

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Gertrud Gertrud

Let’s break the taboo around prostate issues

Too often, men associate the health of their prostate gland with their virility and this makes them embarrassed to admit something might be wrong. Too often, early symptoms are ignored or simply endured, and exactly this is problematic. Early diagnosis of prostate issues can make treatment easier and successful without much impact on the quality of life.

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Gertrud Gertrud

What is D-mannose and how can it help you get rid of UTI’s?

D-mannose is a kind of sugar molecule closely related to glucose. It occurs naturally in the body and we can get it from fruit & berries such as apples, oranges, peaches, blueberries, and, cranberries. But also vegetables, including green beans, cabbage, and broccoli are a common source.
So what can it do against UTIs?

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Gertrud Gertrud

One curcuma is not the other

Did you know that there are 80 (!) different curcuma species known to us while only mainly 8 of them are used for medicinal purposes or traditional herbal remedies? Let’s get clear on which types of curcuma we use at Primrose Laboratories and which different effects they can have.

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Gertrud Gertrud

Importance of compliance for Primaprox & Primabentis

Phytotherapeutic supplements can be very powerful and can have an immediate effect. However, with chronic conditions it can take several weeks before you notice a positive change. In these cases, it is important to take the starting dose for 4 to 6 weeks before continuing with the maintenance dose.

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